How to Make a Pink Halloween Witches Hat

How to Make a Pink Halloween Witches Hat

I am obsessed with Halloween! Every year I seek out the best spooky decorations in London and I love dressing up in scary costumes. It is a brilliant time of year for a proper marketing campaign. Kicking off at the end of September, you can really capitalise on...
Fake It Till You Make It – How Important Is Image?

Fake It Till You Make It – How Important Is Image?

Image is a complicated thing. On the one hand – it is revered higher than anything else. But sometimes we loathe our addiction to it. Why does it matter what someone is wearing if they’re doing a good job as we asked last summer with the ‘Downing Street Catwalk’? Or...
10 signs you work in Social Media & are a Superhero

10 signs you work in Social Media & are a Superhero

If you work in social media, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Especially if you’ve been using social media for a little while and have a nagging feeling you’ve taken the wrong turn but aren’t quite sure what that is. Whether you work for an agency, a brand,...
Fake It Till You Make It – How Important Is Image?

News Flash – Social Media The New Fashion Trend

Social media is fast becoming THE biggest new trend in fashion for AW14. It started with journalists and bloggers sharing their FROW catwalk experiences from their mobiles at Fashion Week and gathered pace when Instagram was named the most influential form of social...
Rise of The Blogging Celebrity

Rise of The Blogging Celebrity

Well it’s all a load of goop isn’t it? All these celebrities setting up blogs called Goop (Gwyneth Paltrow), Preserve (Blake Lively), Jam (No one yet, but they will, you just watch!) or whatever else. Just sweeping into an industry they know nothing about...
Feature ASOS – A Phoenix From The Ashes?

Feature ASOS – A Phoenix From The Ashes?

Just as I had landed in Croatia this week, I got a text from a friend utterly alarmed that the ASOS website was down. At 5.56am she sent me this picture captions ‘wowsers’. And wowsers indeed, because in this day and age it had to be quite the emergency to...
Rise of The Blogging Celebrity

Job Advice – How To Get A Job In PR

How to get a job in PR? This is the million dollar question, but first of all, do you want to be in PR? If you have grand illusions that you will be: A) Eddie from Ab Fab – ‘Everybody’s there, everybody! Big names you know. Chanel, Dior, Lagerfeld,...
Why Zoella’s Girl Online Backlash Shows Our Own Naivety

PR Tips – How To Be A Brand

If you’ve been reading ‘Are You Ready to Be A Brand?’ and have decided that you’re ready to define your online persona, I’ve put together a few tips to help you. There are no hard and fast rules, the most important thing is to be yourself...