RHS Chelsea Flower Show is a huge event in London with thousands of people descending on the capital each May to see the fabulous blooms on display. This year is no exception and the surrounding retailers take part in ‘Chelsea in Bloom‘ which this year has a carnival theme. This years standout for me has to be Liz Earle’s Carniv-Earle (geddit?), closely followed by The Ivy Chelsea Garden’s wall of very good looking fake flowers. Others worth a mention include Joseph, Smythson, Hackett and Sarah Champman.

Smythson 2016

Sarah Chapman 2016

Hackett 2016

The Ivy Chelsea Garden

The Ivy Chelsea Garden

The Ivy Chelsea Garden 2016

Chelsea in Bloom 2016

Liz Earle 2016

Liz Earle 2016

Dubarry 2016

Dubarry 2016

Links of London 2016

Links of London 2016

Liz Earle’s Carivearle

Smythson 2016

Sarah Chapman 2016