Wardrobe Clear Out with The Organising Lady

by | Nov 11, 2020 | Naked Feature

I recently wrote a blog about personal brands and why a personal brand image so important. Basically, personal branding relates to your specific skillset and your ability to build trust and rapport with your audience to be a thought leader. And it’s your biggest asset, so it’s worth investing time into thinking about and developing. So what does this have to do with a wardrobe clear out?

Wardrobe clear out with The Organising Lady

When thinking about your personal brand, sometimes your values shift or you just go in a different direction. That’s completely normal (who wants to stay still these days anyway?), and so I’m a massive advocate of the wardrobe clear out. It’s that symbolic and metaphorical action that really makes you think about both who AND where you are right now. 

This is not the first time I’ve talked about a wardrobe spring clean on the blog—I’ve been a big believer since 2015! 

So, yes, I’m a bit obsessed with wardrobe cleansing/editing. And also possibly terrible at it. But if you don’t know where to start with Marie Kondo-ing your wardrobe, there’s still hope. 

(Keep scrolling to see the full IGTV video below!)


Wardrobe clear out with The Organising Lady

Clearing out: where to start?

Admittedly, I have struggled for YEARS to let things go. I’ve hoarded old Boho belts, been attached to 20 year old cardboard hat boxes AND clutched onto mini skirts that would make all of us blush! I’m allll about wearing things to death, but holding onto the past was wearing me out. Then I met Karen (aka @theorganisinglady) at an event in January and I just love seeing all her tips on the ‘gram. She offered to come and help and me and I thought, why the hell not! By the end of our purging session, I had made six trips to Trinity Hospice and I felt like a new woman!

How does a wardrobe clear out work?

Karen literally organised me in five hours. FIVE. So actually I would really recommend getting the experts in if you can. If not, here’s a few tips from her on how to do this at home. She’s not about ‘chucking stuff out’, this is more about organising BUT editing is a crucial part of the process.

Wardrobe Clear Out with The Organising Lady


The Organising Lady’s top tips for clearing out your wardrobe:

  1. Edit your wardrobe. Try everything on to see where you’re at with everything
  2. Use slim velvety hangers (not those fat things) from TK Maxx.
  3. Use those plastic Muji boxes and turn them sideways when packing.
  4. Get plastic stands for shoes as if helps to fit more in.
  5. Hang things together so that they’re logical and easy to find.
  6. Store out of season stuff.

Here’s to a fresh start!

Thanks to Karen, The Organising Lady, for helping me through this clear out! Check her out on Instagram here (@theorganisinglady) and her website: https://theorganisinglady.co.uk

Check my IGTV for the full story:

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